Trying to have a little one


So I need advice or suggestions! Friday night I started throwing up when I was crying usually I don’t throw up when I’m crying.So the next day Saturday I went to work and everything was fine and when I got off and on the way home I started feeling like I had to throw up so I just brushed it off . I went home and he smell of food just made me sick I couldn’t smell or think about food because it would make me feel sick .So I tried to eat something and I threw it all back up . Later on that day I tried to drink I threw it all back up usually I can drink lol but I just couldn’t . P.S AF is here I’m starting to bleed and I even tried to drink water and that all came back up . So that whole day I just rested on the couch and had cramps at night. The next day I was fine certain smells still kinda make me feel sick . But I want to know if I just had a bug or something or could I have a little one baking ? Me and my bf been trying to have a baby for a 1 year and we’re not getting any luck . And I don’t want to get to excited if it just me over reacting.