Walking by faith πŸ’‘πŸ™πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§


After few failed cycle with Clomid, hubby and I decided to embark into the injectables & insemination journey. While I was doing my grocery shopping today, I decided to buy this little onesie. Went back home and show it to my hubby, thinking he would think I am weird or there’s something wrong with me lol. But in the contrary he almost teared up. (Aww I love him 😍) he know that I have been kinda down and stressed lately .

So I have decided to stop being sad, stop stressing, start taking care of myself, trying to lose weight and eating healthy. And most of all put God first. If it happens or not, glory to God☝🏾! Just flowing with whatever God has in plan for us.