How do you deal with self-absorbed attention seekers?

The lady I work with is really getting on my nerves. She talks about herself/ her problems basically non-stop. She’s forever sending me pictures of her child/ telling me stuff about him. I used to entertain it because he’s a very cute kid but it’s a bit much now. Actually it’s a LOT much now.


For example. I get a picture of her son last night after she told him something about his food. OK? I don’t care? I didn’t respond. Later in the night she sent another two pictures. This morning I’ve received another one. I once counted, before I cleared out my pictures I had almost 50 pictures of him!


She also tells everyone at work about her issues, problems, etc. We are receptionists and she tells all the tenants her business. I get that we are friendly and have a nice close vibe at work but my word! She tells one of the newer tenants how she’s got her period for the first time in three months (she’s on the injection). Really? REALLY? She tells the other lady how her husband has a drinking problem. She has a lot of health issues and every single person who comes to the desk has to hear about how this is the first thing she’s eaten in two days, how she has a headache, how she has a stomach ache, how she’s tired because her almost three year old spent half the night helping himself to yoghurt and eating it in her bed. No one gives a crap about my stuff and rightly so, I don’t go announcing my migraines or anything to all and sundry.


She’s a very nice lady otherwise and extremely generous which is a very redeeming quality, but my word. I’m so tired of hearing about her. She always tries to turn the convo to her. I was chatting with her about a work thing and she randomly says how much she likes chicken. OK, we weren’t even talking about that. She constantly does that.


How do I deal with her without making it uncomfortable at work?