Ovulation test..please help! Kind of long but please read, really trying & praying for a baby!

Ok so this is my first time tracking my ovulation via tests...our PX only had it’s ‘exchange select one step Ovulation Predictor”in stock so I picked those up. I’ve been testing for a couple of days now but before the results came back very faint and blah so I discarded them. On Sunday my husband and I were hosting a Memorial Day bbq but I felt very wet so I️ took a test which can be seen below as 5/27/18. This was the clearest/darkest I’ve seen a result so far so I decided to hold on to it even though all the other positive ovulation test I’ve seen on here were darker/thicker. However, the 27th was the only actual day my husband and I didn’t BD since we were so busy hosting our bbq. (we’ve BD every day but that day, at least twice a day). I texted again on the 28th and the result came back faint and lighter as well as the test I just took on the 29th which I guess could be considered the 30th since it was at midnight. I just looked over the instructions again and saw “This is a color comparison test. You must compare the color, not the thickness, of the lines.” Soooo my question is does it look like the test I took on the 27th was positive? This app says I ovulate on the 31st but I know that isn’t always accurate which is why I started testing. I know this is super long and may come add as a little ditzy but I’m new to ovulation testing and we are trying our hardest for a baby! Thank you for your help💞