Second opinion is a nightmare


When I was 23w I had the glucose test and was diagnosed with GD ( result was very low but still) My private healthcare covered the visits with diabetologist . The lady gave me a special diet and this device to measure glucose level. Everything was ok according to her but I decided to have an appointment with an ob-gyn at the Hospital where I wanted to give birth. The new doctor questioned the first test and told me to make a new one. My diabetologist told me not to make this additional test as the result will be the same but I thought that I won’t give birth at the private clinic ( waaaay too expensive) so I decided to take the test.

Results were over the limit - after 1 hour 229,42 mg/dL so when I came back with the results the Hospital on-gym started freaking out.

I do follow my diet and my glucose levels are ok yet still this Hospital doctor sent me to another diabetologist.... I don’t know who to listen!

I’m trying to set an appointment but it’s difficult in the National Healthcare... and I’m stressing out!

Any advice?