12 DPO tested BFN this morning...

3 days until af am I still in? So sad to keep seeing negatives.

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Posted at
Not out til AF shows. Also, it takes 6-12 days after ovulation for you to implant then it takes 3-5 days to get enough HCG in your system for a positive test. So, wait until your period is due to test again!


Posted at
Not out I test on 10dpo and got a negative then on 13 dpo when af was supposed to come I figured I would test just to see and sure enough it was positive!! Every test before that for three days was negative I was so upset then got my positive!! Not to late!!


Courtney • May 30, 2018
Of course sending baby dust your way!!!


Jaime • May 30, 2018
Thank you ❤️


Posted at
I got a BFN this morning too. Period due in 3 days.