Trying my best to concieve.....


I am trying since past 7 years now to conceive badly 😭😭😭😭...I had 2 miscarriages laprascopy was done In 2016 and wasn't on any medication since,now as I am undergoing a treatment my doc suggested me to take some multi vit tabs and some caps to + my hormones ..I had got my chums on the 4th of this month and I aas asked to do a follicular from day 12th and before that from day 8th I was asked to take primolut I did my follicular from 12th day and on 16tb day it showed up the egg hot ruptured before maturing ....(what does it mean ) and since then I was getting all the pregnancy symptoms like nausea ,soreness in my breast, cramping,tiredness and since past 2/3 days I am having backache and today morning when I went to the washroom I saw some brownish thread like thing ..I told my doc she said that you might be getting your chums then ....😭... help needed what shud I do...tooo tensed