I need to vent! you guys are welcome to as well!


I'm 36 and a half weeks pregnant. due June 24, I am miserable! my hip constantly hurts which makes it hard to sleep, and stay sleeping for more than two hours.

baby jabs every point that sends shooting pain either to my tail bone/spine or down my stomach, or just finds a comfy spot, that makes me super uncomfortable!

our two year old is in the middle of potty training, which is obviously getting harder and harder to help her with. to sum it up, I'm DONE! some days my husband can't come home fast enough.

on top of all this fun stuff, there's my mother! I am very short on Patience these days. I feel like she thinks I'm 2! constantly calling, asking if she can help with anything after I've told her a thousand times no! or (like today) my sister is there and I told them I don't have a vehicle, my husband took the truck which has the car seat in it, and our car sketches me out. so I can't go.

my mom asks if I want them to pick me up. I say no cause I want to get baking done when it's not hot (we have no air conditioner). Then she asks if they can come over if my sister wants. I'm like sure. (cause that will help me get baking done!)

so now I feel like I need to do a mad rush clean up incase they come (she's commented on my not so organized, or ridiculously clean house before)

I know this probably sounds super petty. But she doesn't do this to any of my siblings, just to me. There's issues from the past, which I'll save you all from. this is long enough.

I just want to be left alone for the last few weeks and not feel like I'm being suffocated by her!

thank you for letting me vent, and get today's frustrations off my chest!