My Doctor is a Disaster


So, my doctor was amazing during all of my infertility tests and treatments and such. I mean, amazing. She couldn't be better. Then, when I got pregnant, she was great up until about 33 weeks. Ever since then, it's like I'm a burden. My wait time is ridiculous. My actual appointment time is so short I almost can't get my questions in before she's out the door. It's like she's too busy to address my concerns.

Fast forward to last week (37 weeks). I go in and I mention my swelling. My blood pressure has been up for 3 consecutive weeks, which is strange for me because usually I have great blood pressure. The NURSE orders me a 24 hr urine test to see if I had preeclampsia (I had it with my daughter). I did that on Memorial Day and turned it in on Tuesday (yesterday).

My doctor's office calls me to tell me today I have a small UTI and that they called in an antibiotic. Okay. No mention about protein. So I have to ask them about it. "Oh, yeah, you had 2+ protein in your urine."

Okay? Don't you think that's what you should have called me about in the first place?! So I keep my calm and I explain that the reason I'm asking is because I'm extremely swollen in my hands, arms, feet, legs, face, etc. And that I have a headache I can't get to go away with Tylenol, a warm shower or by eating. Their response? "If you're worried about it, just go to L&D.;"

That was it, y'all. THAT. WAS. IT.

Umm, I never have felt so dismissed in my life. This is a serious problem. It could potentially hurt my baby. I mean, I'm headed to L&D; as I type this but come on. I live an hour and 15 minutes away from the hospital.

I'm extremely irritated right now which I'm sure isn't so great for my blood pressure. I am currently 38+4 and if I do have preeclampsia, I'll be having a c section. 😫 But I'll do whatever it takes to ensure my son is born healthy. Prayers for us, you guys. I'm hoping they will take me more seriously in L&D; than my actual doctor did.