Any Advice

Bri • Married and mother to babygirl💓

So i have about 8 weeks to go and i couldn’t be more excited ! I hope time still keeps moving fast , but i am starting to get nervous . I have epilepsy ( but i haven’t had a seizure in two year and I’m on medicine) and my doctor said that i can have a normal healthy birth like everybody else but i do have to make sure when she gets here i get 4 hours on uninterrupted sleep a day or else I’d be at risk for sleep deprivation. That sounds like it’s gonna be so hard though because babies eat every 2 hours . Im married and my husband said he’ll wake up in the middle of the night to feed her so i can sleep but i just feel like I’d be a horrible mother and be selfish . I could understand if i could just sleep when she sleeps but it can’t just be the cat naps it has to be 4 un interrupted hours . So now I’m having anxiety about everything . Any advice ? Also anybody else getting really anxious now ?