Online Classes---HELP

Hi everyone. I'm really struggling with my online summer classes right now. My religions class didn't even have a syllabus! I have no idea what I'm doing in that class except: read chapters 1&2 and then do the video reflection along with all other assignments by next Wednesday. ---That's literally all my professor said. I've emailed him asking what the heck a video reflection is and how to do it. As well as how to find the other assignments?? I've looked in EVERY possible folder and there are no other assignments to do! He hasn't emailed me back yet.

Also, I'm in an IT class. And I've had the WORST luck with it and class just started TODAY! At first it kept saying my access code was invalid 3 times before finally letting me in! I never typed in anything different. I don't know what happened. Then I tried logging in and it said my password was wrong. Okay I'll just reset it. Then it said my email was wrong! No it wasn't because I had gotten the sign up confirmation moments before. I had to call their tech support and get everything redone. I still don't know what went wrong. I tried entering my email 5 times and I didn't enter it wrong.

So now I'm finally "in" the class and it's 45 pages of reading before the assignments! I have 45 pages of reading for my religion class as well and who knows what other assignments for that class🙄😰. As well as working 40 hours this week! I'm so extremely stressed. I had to stop working for a few minutes because I cry when I'm stressed and I just couldn't continue without a 5min rant break. I also have another class starting in July, so I am TERRIFIED! I just don't know how I'm going to do this PLUS work and attempt to enjoy my summer. I suppose enjoying my summer isn't a huge deal, but it would be nice to not stress over classes just for one day!

I don't know how I'm going to do this. I don't have a set work schedule, so I can't just say that I'll work on everything Monday and Tuesday (as an example). My hours are weird and sometimes I get called in on my days off because we're short staffed, but don't actually have enough hours to hire more people.

I'll be a sophomore this fall and my freshman year I never had to do this much reading even for English Comp! It was mostly writing essays and my other classes didn't require much reading either. I know I'll need tutoring, but like I said, I don't have set days off and my college's library and tutoring center is closed half of the week since it's summer now. And I can't specifically ask off for days at my job (my other classes were all in the morning before our shifts start or at night when the shifts ended).

I could use tips, advice, ANYTHING you could say to help! I've only ever had ONE online class and it was nothing compared to these! Please send help!

PS None of these classes were offered in person for this summer and if I took them in the fall or spring I'd have "course overload" so it was either take them this summer or next summer. I figured I'd take them this summer though since I knew they were offered (offered courses change a lot since I'm at a community college. Nothing is completely set in stone from year to year).

Please comment some advice on how to handle a full time job and almost full time online college classes!!!