helping elderly friend with loss... VERY CONCERNED ADVICE NEEDED


I am helping my old babysitter who is an elderly woman get through a loss. we had to put her baby down a week ago due to a cancerous tumor in her jaw. she has no family nearby and i am pretty much her only friend. i am allowing her to stay in my home until she is able to go back to her own home or with her kids who r out of state and not very involved with her life. how can i best help her? she had this dog for 15 years and was basically her life. she has been very depressed and barely eats. she spends a lot of time staring at her pictures and talking about the tumor over and over. not sure how much i can help her except listen to her amd her sadness. i also wanted to get your opnions on something she said. She wants to get the same kind and breed of dog and name her the same name. not sure of this is healthy but ive never been through something like this. if anyone can help i would really appreciate it!