It happened!!!!! This does not feel real! 😭


I took a FRER this morning and got this!!

Still in shock!!!

Not sure if this will reach anyone that’s in a similar boat - but I told myself I’d write up what I did differently and symptoms if I got a BFP!

We’ve been TTC since January. I started out neurotic about the whole thing. I took my temperature, took evening primrose, random fertility teas, ovulation tests.... and all that got me was delayed ovulation each month!

I used to ovulate day 15, but the last few months it was day 18, 20, 17... all over the place!

This month my husband told me I’m not allowed to track haha. I didn’t! Hid my thermometer, got rid of my OPKs... we just BD every other day during my expected fertile week, I waited about 25 min before getting up to pee, and warning tmi but we made sure I orgasmed each time we were trying to help the sperm get up there!!

I had a trip during my TWW so I wasn’t really even thinking about anything. If I wanted a drink, I had it. I didn’t stress about takin medicine for a headache or eating pineapple (which supposedly helps with implanting?!)

I also worked out a lot, did yoga, took baths, tried to just chill the F OUT 🙌🏻

I took a test randomly yesterday (probably 11 DPO? Period likely due tmrw) not expecting anything. I felt the same as I do for PMS. Sore boobs was really my only thing but i get that every month. The only other thing is I’ve been a crazzzzzzzy woman to my husband. So grumpy!!!

Anyway, baby dust to all!!!!!