Another June that turned to May baby - long induction story


I went in for a blood pressure check Thursday the 24th and due to all the stress going on, on top of the blood pressure issues I’ve had since the beginning, they decided the best course of action would be to induce me. By 4:30 pm I was checked into labor and delivery and had a balloon inserted into my cervix. That was literally worse than active labor

Well by the next morning I had progressed to 3 centimeters so they started me on pitocin. My contractions weren’t as intense as I had planned but I’ve always had terrible menstrual cramps but at around 5 centimeters I asked for an epidural, mostly because I think my cervix was so sore from the balloon and the doctors man handling it when they checked me almost every hour. Well the epidural only took to one half of my body, which I believe was the fault of the doctor who administered it. I could feel him moving the needle around between my vertebrae and instead of him warning me and letting me know what was happening, he just yelled at me for jumping. After spending the next 3 hours still feeling contractions on the left half of my body and many trips from the anesthesiologist, she told me I’d have to get a second epidural and I could have cried on the spot, I think I did a little bit tbh.

But luckily, the second doctor was super amazing and I barely felt the second one! Well after 25 hours of labor and still being stuck at 5 centimeters, my doctors started pressuring me for a c section because of how long it had been since the popped my water bag. I was honestly so exhausted and ready to meet my baby that I was pretty much like, it’s fine, do what you have to do.

At 9:03 pm my sweet baby princess was brought into this world.

She’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I could stare at her until the end of time. You hear people talk about the love they have for their children after they’re born but until you actually experience, it sounds like a bunch of craziness. It wasn’t the birth plan I had originally wanted but my sweet girl made it here safely and I don’t feel like I could ask for much more.