Husband’s baby momma

My husband and his ex girlfriend have a 4 year old. She got pregnant when she was 15 and he was 17.

They broke up in the middle of her pregnancy and he has had partial custody ever since, his son stays with us on the week days.

She is 19, and is currently pregnant with her 3rd child. She had her 2nd at 17 and is pregnant again. She is begging my husband for money to help with those children, too (both are not his; they’re by 2 different men).

She has been texting me non stop saying she can’t pay for her other two kids because the other 2 dads don’t help out and she wants us too. We literally can’t as we take care of their son pretty much completely and on the weekends he always goes to her grandma, not to her

She’s out of control. I want to help her but don’t know how.