I think I miscarried last night..tmi


Okay so I had a blighted Ovum and am 10w5d today but measuring 6w3d last u/s. So last night around 11 pm I began having cramps just like a period and I found a whitish grey gooey clot when going to the bathroom the size of a Nickel. I decided to go to bed and was woken up around 2:15 am to a gush of blood. I ran to the bathroom and passed 4-5 large red clots but there was so much blood I couldn’t tell if I saw a sac or not. The cramps were out of control and I was in the bathroom passing clots and bleeding very heavy for 4 hours. I also had bad diarrhea after most of the big clots passed. Today my cramps are still a little painful and I’m bleeding with few small clots. Could that have been my miscarriage last night or could I still have to pass the sac since the cramps are still happening? Has anyone experienced something like this? That was so painful and I don’t know if I can handle another night of that 😫 tia 💕