Grandma is coming to meet my boyfriend

So I live about a five hour drive from my dad’s side of the family and never get to see them. Once a month I video chat with my grandma. Today I was trying to get ahold of her before a date and she ended up calling while I was at my boyfriend’s. I asked if it was 👌 to answer since I’m normally working when she calls. He was fine with it. However during the video chat she mentioned coming down to visit me and my mom’s side of the family. She also said she wanted to meet him and that he should be on his best behavior. She didn’t say when exactly she was planning on coming down though. Luckily my cousin’s SO showed up about this time at her house to pick up his daughter. It distracted her enough for her not to notice the look I gave my BF. She did take note of my behavior because she made a remark about me looking like I was up to something. I had been up to something but it was over with before she called. My BF and I are planning an overnight trip out of town sometime over the next couple of months.

After I got over to my other grandma’s house I called her back to get more information. She is planning on coming down around the same time I was planning my trip.