Beyond surprised! 6 dpo BFP!! Thanking the Lord!


I had a crazy craving last night(meatloaf with cool whip) but according to Glow I was only 5 dpo.

Tonight i took a test...I was being totally stupid still 7 days before af is due. Not fmu, it had only been 3 hrs since I had last peed. I thought what the hey? I got an .88 cent test and within 2 mins

So I am ofcoursed saying that its just evap but decide to take one of my frer just for my peace of mind. Within 60 secs

It is so much stronger of a line than my last which ended in a miscarriage at 6 wks. And I've NEVER gotten a positive let alone a positive in 60 secs 7 days away from my period. Praying for a healthy baby! Has anyone else gotten a positive this soon? And if so do you have a healthy pregnancy and baby? Seeing this clear of one makes me happy. I am beyond scared of losing this nugget too.