15 ounce baby born 3 months early


my sweet beautiful perfect little boy was born May 31st 2018 via c section. I was 27 weeks and 6 days along with preeclampsia and severe IUGR (intra uterine growth restriction).

I have been hospitalized since 4/30 with biweekly ultrasounds and we discovered that from my 25 week scan... to my 27 week scan... the baby had not grown a single gram.

Cord flow for the baby went from intermittently absent to reversed... and it was time for the baby to come.

although we expected my baby to be 453 grams. he weighed 425 grams.

thanks to his gestational age... he is doing fairly well for his size. he I breathing on his own with just a CPAP for assistance.

I am so proud of my son... and I'm also shamelessly proud of myself for going through a cesarean section when I truly believed I was not strong enough.

please keep my baby in your thoughts and prayers.