
S 🌻 • Mother of one, engaged to my bestie of 10 years 💕

Is anybody else SICK of the stereotypes around these breeds? “They’re nasty, you need to get them a muzzle and be careful or they’ll bite you and passers by” like SHUT UP YOU UNCULTURED SWINE. this may be true of SOME of these dogs, but I firmly believe it’s down to the owners, not the dog itself. My cross is the sweetest, kindest dog I’ve ever known. He couldn’t harm a fly, never mind a person/animal etc. We recently got a pup, and everybody said he couldn’t be trusted, and that jealously May make him a nasty dog. DOES HE LOOK JEALOUS/NASTY? smh.

Please share some stories of some ABSURD beliefs people have around your pooches!

(Below are some pictures of them snuggling to show how much they love each other)💕