Induction birth story

I was scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks so I got to the hospital at 6:30 June 1st all ready to meet my sweet boy!! They got me admitted and started my pitocin drip around 7:30 and I had to have antibiotics because I had strep b. At about 8 my doctor came in and wanted to break my water 😱 I asked if I could wait a while longer until I was having some contractions and he agreed. The contractions picked up but it was just like mensural cramps uncomfortablebut nothing unbearable. He came back in at 10:15 and broke my water and that’s when things progressed!! I was expecting a gush of fluid like a water fall but it was literally just a little squirt and then I could feel it leak anytime I laughed or got up 😂 at about 11 I was maxed out at the hisghest dose of pitocin feeling every contraction but they still weren’t HORRIBLE I silently cried with everyone of them and asked for my epidural. At around 11:15 the epidural was administered and I felt better within 10 minutes!! I sat on the edge of my bed my mom was my coach and he gave me a shot of numbing meds in my bed that just kind of felt like a bee sting after that I didn’t feel anything but maybe a little bit of pressure while they put it in. It took a while for it to completely take so I had to push my dose button twice and then I felt perfect. I could still feel the tightness of the contractions but no pain 🙌🏻 but then my BP dropped significantly and the baby’s HR I thought I was going to pass out I was sweating and extremely hot I got sick to my stomach and felt like I couldn’t breathe. they gave me a shot of something like adrenaline and that helped but it just wasn’t enough so I got a second dose and then I could feel myself coming back to life. about 1 I fell asleep and took a much needed hour long nap when I woke up I was feeling a little crampy and uncomfortable again but nothing I couldn’t handle. The contractions progressed and my doctor finally came in to check me at 3:20 and I was 7cm!! Woo hoo!!!! At around 4:30 I was super uncomfortable and asked for another dose in my epidural my doctor came in and gave me a shot of something in my epidural after that I felt nothing!! Lol. I was dilated to 10 at about 7 it was time to push!! But then my contractions stopped lol so we were just waiting on one to come so I could push lol. And it was the strangest thing!! I felt nothing! I pushed and pushed and didn’t even feel the pressure of him coming! They said they could see him which motivated me so much I just wanted him out! About 30 minutes and 9 pushes later out came a 8lb 11oz 19 3/4in beautiful baby boy!! I couldn’t believe he was that big!! I didn’t even think he was going to be 7 pounds but boy was I wrong!! They did have to cut me so I have some stitches. I’ve been up twice to pee since then and I don’t feel any terrible pain at this point. Today was nothing like I had imagined and I thought it was going to be 10 times worse. I can honestly say I didn’t feel anything I couldn’t handle and I’ve never been so proud of myself I don’t think!! Today was a life changer and I can’t wait to see what’s in store!