🌈 I’m soo over the moon excited 🌈


So back in January we got pregnant the first month trying but unfortunately it ended in an early miscarriage at about 5 weeks. That time I found out at 12 dpo with a veryyyy faint line on a first response. The line did get darker but not by much.

This time we weren’t trying but we weren’t preventing and I just had a feeling although I haven’t had many symptoms yet. My gums bled for about 3 days about a week ago and I thought that was weird. But nothing else really. Even though I didn’t have any symptoms I’ve been testing since 8 dpo on cheap test strips and yesterday I thought I saw the start of something superrrrrrrrr faint but it wasn’t convincing enough. This morning I took another cheapie and there was the faintest line but it was there! I ran to the drug store and picked up a first response and the line appeared immediately! I’m 11 dpo and the line is twice as dark as the test I took in January so I’m hopeful. I pray this little bean sticks this time ❤️