Am I making a mistake

I'm scheduled for an abortion on Wednesday and I can't stop thinking what if I'm making a mistake. I don't feel ready for a baby right now but I want kids someday. I'm worried about what if this is the only baby I can have or the only one me and my boyfriend can have together. I get sad when I think about how I'm not gonna be pregnant after Wednesday and how I'll never know if it's a boy or a girl. As I'm writing this I feel even more like I'm making the wrong decision but Wednesday is the cut off date to decide and I feel like I should just do it incase it's not the wrong decision. I'm only 17 and dont wanna face criticism for getting pregnant. My mom has also told me multiple times that she doesn't want me bringing in another mouth to feed. I'll be almost 18 if not 18 already when its born so she might kick me out. I don't know what to do.