
I know most of you will comment, "Go see a doctor, we dont know for sure." like o see on multiple other posts, but im just too impatient and need input. not solid answers, because I know nobody will know for sure till I go in... BUT. I took a pregnancy test today, and it came back positive. We've been trying for 3 months. Im not sure on whether or not its a false, so we went and bought more. Im six days away from my period, haven't experianced morning sickness, however.. I have been experiencing heart/stomach burn. I've read that that is a VERY common symptom of early pregnancy, and morning sickness tends to get all the hype. So mothers to be, or anyone who knows, drop a comment to give me some input? on whether or not you think it's actually pregnancy?

Also, when my friend got pregnant, she started to get UTi's immediately and constantly. I have one right now. Will be taking more tests within the next few days, but yeah. Im impatient, and thought it'd be fun to play the guessing game with a bunch of strangers. Thanks everyone in advance! xxx