Do you think I’m pregnant?

Okay so this is super complicated but I want to explain everything so I can get some feedback.

Me and my ex broke up about a month ago and I stopped taking my bc (pill). However we hooked up two more time in the month of May. So dates: last day I took my pill May 2nd. Unprotected sex May 10th and 22nd. He didn’t wear a condom, we never have. But he didn’t come inside me.

My period is now 12 days late but I stopped taking birth control with messes with your cycle. I took a test on May 25th and it was negative. But I am starting to have what seem to early pregnancy symptoms. I have cramping and tightening, sore breasts, and a ton of milky white discharge. So I guess my question is how likely does it seem that I’m pregnant or this this all just side effects of getting off the pill?

*i called planned parenthood and they told me to test again on the 10th that way it’s a month after the first time and like 2.5 weeks after the second. The waiting game is horrible though.