Step brother


My step brother (26yo) is an ice addict. He doesn't live with my family and I've never been close to him but he really affects us. He's been an addict for 3 or 4 years now, been to rehab, gotten clean, relapsed, got clean by himself, relapsed, slept on our lounge room floor for a week, gotten clean, relapsed. He moved out of his mothers house (she has also remarried and has a 21 yo daughter) and started renting a place with another addict. He is currently being evicted for being 10 days behind on rent, he has no money, my mum has been paying his rent for the last few months. He doesn't have a job cause he never shows up for work or is high. He was arrested today for being dunk and disorderly near his drug dealers house. Step dad went to pick him up and made him walk home. Only a few weeks ago he was arrested for shoplifting.

My parents and his mum can't keep cleaning up his mess for him cause he never learns a lesson and they don't have the money, but they can't just cut him off cause he'll end up dead in a ditch.

What to do?