I haven't bleed this much since my last period.


On Wednesday, the first, I had gotten into a little fight with a friend. We were messing around and he pushed my leg and I feel off a dest and proceed to smack my leg on a metal bar on a chair I knew it would bruise, but damn... I'm at a loss for what to do. I've been icon and resting it to try to get the swelling down, but what the hell do I do to fix this?

It's progressively getting worse with the swelling and bleeding, it hurts like hell to walk normally or sleep comfortably. Anything helps.

UPDATE*** 12 hours after previous picture. It's WORSE.

I tried ice again and have yet to get pineapple or the cream recommended. It's more swollen now and I had my mom(she's a retired nurse) look at it and she's saying I'm fine. ***Update 2***

Swelling has gone down a lot and I'm not experiencing as much pain as before, I've been trying to ice it as much as possible and it's been really helping. I tried an off brand cream and it seemed to help a considerable amount.