Water leaking? 2nd update...

Sarah • Mother of a baby girl.

So I woke up about 1:30am with what felt like dripping like when you start your period in my underwear. I touched it and it was clear, I can't smell it due to have a stuffup nose. I went pee and then wiped to see if anymore would come out and it didn't. My stomach has been crampy but to true contractions. Also I haven't seen or felt anymore fluid leaking. Should I get checked out? Oh and I keep farting and feeling like to have to poop which I do a little bit with lots of pain.


Finally went to l&d; to get checked. My water did break and they admitted me. I wasn't dilating so the started me on pitocin. Baby girl should be here with in the next 24 hours.

2nd update:

Maelynn Marie was born at 10:48am June 4th. Weighing 6lbs and 3.8oz. Length 20 inches.