Idk what to do anymore...?


Does anyone else that’s ttc get really emotional watching pregnancy announcements on Facebook or is just me?? My husband and I have been ttc for over 5 years now.. Every time I watch one of those videos I end up crying like a little baby.. I feel like such a failure a disappointment.. Today is his birthday and I wanted so bad to surprise him with the news that he was gonna be a father, but that didn’t happen.. All I want to do is hide under a rock and die because I obviously cant give him children. I feel like he’s gonna wake up one day and leave me like everyone else has. Me not being able to get pregnant has brought my self esteem down my confidence and has made me really depressed.. idk what to do anymore I just wanna give up on hope and life it self.. Does anyone have any recommendations on how I can please just move on from this.. I can’t take the pain and heartache anymore..