Dreams about getting back together??


My ex and I broke up a little over a month ago. And I’ve VERY slowly started to feel like myself again. But the past 2 nights, I’ve had dreams about him.

In the first dream, we were hanging out at him and his sister’s(who’s also one of my beat friends) house cause they’ve just moved IRL. We’re sitting on the couch, and he suddenly moves closer to me and starts holding my hand. I think I said something like “uhh what are you doing? You broke up with me” and he makes this huge speech about how wrong he was and he misses me, etc. and asks me to take him back. I say yes, and from there we’re just kissing and stuff, then I wake up. I could FEEL him in this dream, if that makes any sense.

The one I just woke up from there was no speech. He was just waiting for me outside of church and he grabbed my hand.

Could this be God trying to tell me something or preparing me for him wanting to get back together?? I know He can speak to us even in dreams(ie Joseph interpreting Pharoh’s dreams, proving to (Mary’s) Joseph that she wasn’t lying about the immaculate conception. He’s just never done that with me so I’m confused lol.