Eating Disorder?

I feel as if I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I hate eating in front of people, and feel extremely guilty and self-conscious any time I do. For my height/age, I am about 40-45 pounds overweight and feel uncomfortable in my body. I want to lose the weight to be healthier and happier, but I lack the motivation/energy to actually do so. After work/class, I will come home and binge on junk food. While I eat, I feel nothing but guilt the entire time, but I also feel like I just can’t stop. I’m certain that I eat out of boredom a lot of times, but drinking water or chewing gum just isn’t as satisfying as the physical act of chewing on crunchy foods. Does this sound like binge eating disorder, or some form of disordered eating? If so, how do I stop?