
When I was a sophomore in college, 20 years old, I got pregnant. My boyfriend and I decided to keep the baby but when I told my mom, she told me I had no choice and really emotionally and physically bullied me into having an abortion.

Afterwards, I was a mess. I have never felt so depressed and angry and guilty and empty and completely broken down in my life. Anyway, I graduated college, very slowly came to terms with that decision, and later had a beautiful daughter with my now husband. It was terrifying telling my mom but we moved past it and everyone is happy again.

My grandmother just told me my mom told her that seeing how I am with my daughter, she has realized how badly I wanted to be a mother and how much I love it and how happy my husband and I are and she feels badly about the whole abortion thing.

I don’t know why I’m posting this- I just wanted to get it out as it’s bringing up old emotions and I still feel really uncomfortable about the whole situation. I’m not mad or upset- I know my daughter would not have the life she does if I had had a baby while still in school and I would not have the finances and opportunity to stay home with her like I do- and that brings me peace. But I don’t like to talk about such a dark time when I’m now so so happy and in love with my family