so annoyed 😒

so i have a 7 year old daughter and we live in apartments, recently i allowed her to play with some of the kids in the apartnent complex, right outside our apartment door , only 1 little girl is allowed inside to play. this little girl comes over everyday from 9am and doesnt want to leave until 5 or 6 pm. her parents leave her home alone with her cell phone , while i feel bad for her i also dont want her at my house all day i dont feel comfortable taking care of a kid that isn't mine, her mom hasnt even talked to me about her coming over, she sends her over because she doesn't want to take care of her or because she is busy, this child comes knocking everyday , if i dont answer she will come back 3 -5 times throughout the day . its very annoying i always find ways to try to cut the play time shorter but she always comes back later. i feed this child, and entertain her by taking toys out, putting movies on etc...but now school is out and she will be knocking everyday and i dont want her here , i feel like a bitch but its not my responsibility to be taking care of this child. what should i do?