How many embryos to transfer


Hi ladies, we will be doing <a href="">Ivf</a> in the next few months for recurrent miscarriage. We basically have had 3 missed miscarriages over the past 2 and a half years and are doing <a href="">Ivf</a> with pgs to hopefully avoid and further “chromosomal abnormalities” that we think are causing our miscarriages.

I really want to transfer 2 embryos and be done with the whole trying to have kids part of my life. It has been such a huge stress that I really just want my two babies so I can just move on and enjoy our life. But I know twin pregnancies are more risky and most fertility clinics like to do single embryo transfers.

So I just wanted to hear some stories or how many embryos you transferred and why. Are you happy with your choice or would you have done anything differently. Any input or opinions at all would be helpful!