Would you be jealous / angry ?


So I’ve been seeing this guy for 3 months now

He is basically my bf has met my parents my friends etc

He has told ppl that he is my boyf

All my friends and fam know how much I like him

He is 23 and I’m 21

When I met him I was at a party with another friend of mine and they have become friends (because I invite him to hang with me and my friend etc)

So the weird part is that last night my friend invited him and his friends to go to a concert with her and didn’t invite me

This is the second time that they have gone outt together without inviting me

She is in a long term relationship

I’m not threatened by her in a romantic sense but I just find the whole thing really weird

I’m angry with my boy (equally as my friend) because I feel like he should have invited me and made sure I was included.

I am angry that I have barely met his friends yet my friend has been introduced to them and they have been to her house for pres.

Do you think I have a right to message my boy and tell him Im feeling left out that I haven’t even met his friends yet they have hung out with my friend ?

I feel like while he is super sweet to me when we are together he should not be going out with my friends without me !!

At the time I was super chilled out about it but now a few days later I want to bring it up to either him or her

I mostly wanna bring it up to him though

What do you guys think? Xx

Here is the message my friend sent me that was it and no invite 😡