5 Weeks and 3 Days


My husband has been wanting kids since we got married last fall, I've always wanted kids myself but was not in such a rush as he was. About 4 months ago we talked and I decided to stop taking my birth control and just kinda see what happens from there. I did start tracking my period and ovulations but I was under the impression it would take at least a year or even longer to get pregnant especially since I had taken birth control for YEARS. Well, surprise my period was late last month and it never occurred so this past Friday on the 1st, I took a pregnancy test as I had the suspicion I could be pregnant. I had been feeling odd, especially my stomach and I hadn't been very hungry. My test came back positive and according to my app. I'm 5 weeks and 3 days, I've never felt happier. I cried about 20 minutes when I got the results and have been pretty emotional over just about everything else ever since.

I called and made an appointment with my OB but they're not getting me in until the 19th and I'm just doing a urine test. My stomach feels a little better but I'm so nervous to wait that long! This is my husband and I's first child, I had endometriosis as a young girl and although I coincidentally had a check up about a month and a half ago which everything looked good, I'm still nervous about everything. I've had some light cramping and some nausea but nothing major, no spotting or vomiting. Is that normal? As I have already said this is my first time experiencing all of this and I just want everything to go well, praying that God will take care of my little bean and that I will eventually be able to have solid proof and hear my little ones heart beat 🤞💜👶🤰