Help! I need opinions don't want my rage to get the best of me.

So just a quick over view ladies and gentlemen. I've been with my SO for 4yrs. Like any other relationship we've had our ups and downs.. He cheated on me with his best friends cousin. He cheated I would say emotionally he would text the girl when him and I would fight. He always called me

Once he left work I would hear him punching out and would talk to me

On the way home.. he never missed a day we constantly fought over him cheating and what he did. I couldn't get over it I found him texting the same girl over and over. I did find a text from her saying you always disappear and text me when you want so I know he was telling the truth.. he slept with her when we broke up in the beginning of our relationship I saw her sdmit they only had sex twice once he got back with me he never slept with her which I also found messages of her complaining so she was like his outlet when we fought...I found out his best friend who would come over and eat in my house , he would cook, watch movies was helping him cheat and lie and was so petty that he even used my son in a lie to get my bf to leave and hang out with him instead of going to a surprise birthday party I had for him. He tried to ruin everything. I told my bf how much I dislike this guy but he is the god father to his three children which ok I get. I told him take a step back and not be so friendly just make space you guys don't

Have to talk everyday and be up each other's ass... my bf has changed and been such. Great bf he has been open admitted his faults and has been a great dad to my son and now god has blessed us

With one on the way.. I hate his friend with. Passion for involving my son for lying to me and playing me several times. I know he owes me no loyalty. Just don't try and ruin my life bcuz you think hes better of with your cousin let him decide which he did. I told my bf I wasn't having it kicked him out and told him I'm done and fed up... he came back the same night and said he was done and we've been great ever since plus his mom helped out its time to grow up. He had gone through some bad relationship before I showed him I wasn't the same as the other girls... anyway his friend moved back to NY and texts him at all times and I just despise him can't stand him. He wants to do play dates with his son now and my bf since he's the god father.. my bf has taken off three months from work to help

Me with my pregnancy he now asked him to baby sit his son im upset he didn't bother to ask me if I was ok with it. Am I letting my anger for his dad get in the way. I really really loath this guy just hearing his name I get 😡😡😡. My bf and I have gotten into fights about him I just wish he would disappear. But now he has his godson who he hasn't seen in 3 years here I just wan them far away from us