Calling all pitbull mamas w babies!

My husband and i recently got a pitbull, male, and he’s about 11 weeks so obviously he rough plays with our other dog and they’re okay together if he seems like he’s not being playful anymore and being unnecessarily rough or mean we tell him to get off. Recently I told my mom I’m pregnant and now she keeps telling me i should get rid of him and he could be dangerous to my baby, keeps telling me stories my aunt who works at a hospital tells her about a pitbull attacking a woman or one of its owners. I love my sweet boy and i know we will raise him right but he won’t even be a year old when baby is born so he’ll still be very playful and maybe a little rough (obviously he won’t be allowed to play with the baby) Have any of you ladies had any negative experiences with your pit and you/your baby? I know theyre such loving dogs when raised to be.

Update here’s some pics of my blue pit, Stormy, as requested💙