FAM (Fertility Awareness Method)


Hi ladies! Iā€™m 26 years old, and for various reasons havenā€™t been consistently sexually active until about a year ago. I care a lot about what I put into my body. I eat mostly whole, organic foods and use natural/organic products. So, birth control is a topic Iā€™ve been struggling with. I am not ready to get pregnant, but hormonal birth control/copper IUDs can definitely do a number on your body. Iā€™ve decided to start practicing the Fertility Awareness Method. Iā€™ve always had regular periods so I think itā€™s a viable option for me. Iā€™ve obviously been using condoms and will continue to do so until I establish that I know when Iā€™m fertile/ovulating (and after that point will always use them during my fertility window), but I would like the peace of mind of knowing when I canā€™t get pregnant, and having the option of going without a condom during that time (with a partner I trust of course). Iā€™m just curious if anyone else on here is having success using this method, or would like to share their experience? Iā€™d love to have some FAM buddies and I donā€™t know anyone in my life who is practicing it. Iā€™m reading ā€œTaking Charge of Your Fertilityā€ and Iā€™m loving it BTW. Iā€™m learning so much, and Iā€™m really excited to not just practice natural birth control, but be more in tune with my body. Thanks for your comments!