So much sex.


Hubs and I decided we weren’t going to “actively” try to get pregnant. We were just going to go with the flow and whatever happens, happens..

I promised myself I wouldn’t be on here so much, but who am I kidding lolllll. I’ve been logging every day... I just realized we have had sex almost every day since my last period... it’s like we are subconsciously trying without trying hahahah.

Anyone else trying not to try but hoping for that BFP this month?

Only symptoms are bloating, slight cramping, sore boobs (less and less every day) and I’m tired.. and my cm is like milky and thin. But everyone has been telling me that has nothing to do with me being pregnant or not. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I get these symptoms before AF, too. So I’m just expecting her to show on the 10th.

I also tested at 6DPO and 7DPO which were both negative. I was just itching to test. 😞🙃