Does this sound ok?? EDIT

I am writing an email to my SO about how he is making me feel less than worthy- does this sound alright or does it sound like I’m just blaming him for everything??

TALKING FACE TO FACE ISN’T AN OPTION WE HAVE RIGHT NOW. He is working out of state for another week. I’m not asking opinions on how to discuss out issues. I’m asking if what I am saying is ok.

As you know I have been trying to figure out how to explain to you how I have been feeling for a few days now. I know I have told you multiple times no matter what happens I love you and will always care about you no matter how this relationship goes. I know when we met we were totally in a different place than we are now- neither of us really wanting a relationship let alone more kids and marriage. When we met everything completely changed and there was something about you that made me fall completely head over heels in love with you. I knew the moment you grabbed my butt were going to be trouble.

Over the last 2 years we have both screwed up multiple times almost ending our relationship and I’d be lying if I said sometimes I feel like we should have and maybe we’d both be in a better place. Obviously we didn’t so there isn’t really much need to dwell on that; however sometimes (I’m sure unintentionally) you make me feel like you regret being with me and you want a completely different life. I really have a hard time believing that you love me the way you say you do. A lot of times your actions make me feel like I don’t matter and I’m here on the back burner until you find someone better. Yes I know you feel like you’re doing a good job making more time for us by calling more which yes you are calling more frequently which is great for Hunter but sometimes I wish you’d call just to talk to me ask me how my day was. When you’re home I feel like you’re constantly on your phone and hiding everything; like if I’m near you it’s instantly locked and put in your pocket as fast as possible like to me that shows you’re hiding whatever you’re doing. It makes me feel kind of shitty to be honest because I enjoy knowing what you’re doing and being involved in what you like even if it completely goes over my head.

I really just feel like I’m some invisible person in your life that takes care of your son when you’re not around. It sounds dumb but I post pictures of us or you and Hunter saying nice things about you on social media whenever I have new pictures- shoot sometimes I repost the same old ones! I know I’ve said it a million times but I really feel like you hide that we are in a relationship which makes me feel even more so like I’m not good enough or I’m not important to you.