Who should I date?

Okay, so I’ve known Adam since I was in middle school and he’s my ex. We’re an on and off couple, we’ve dated three times. The 1st time we broke up is because he felt like he wanst being a good boyfriend to me, the 2nd time was because of a misunderstanding I had with him, I thought he cheated but he didn’t. And the final time was because he said when he asked me out but said he was only joking like 5 min later. Adam is fine as hell and he’s the mvp quarterback of the school football team and he always worries about me, checks up on me and tries to help me live a healthy lifestyle. Every time we dated, he’s been loyal, BUT the first time we dated, he got back with an ex 2 weeks later, and the 2nd time we dated, he got with my “friend” the same day we broke up. He’s also mean to me sometimes too, like last week he said I’m ugly. PLUS, he always begs me for sex and for nudes. We used to be really close friends but we’ve fallen off for no apparent reason. We haven’t talked ever since he said I’m ugly. Now about Joseph, he’s really nice and he text me everyday all day and hes like my bestfriend. He checks up on me, and he doesn’t let anyone mess with me. If I don’t like someone then he doesn’t like them either. He even fought someone that sexually assulted me! He’s so sweet. BUT, he’s slept with like 100000000 girls, he just broke up with his ex of 2 years this week and the same day he left her is the same day he tried to date me. PLUS, he’s dragging. He posted his messages and he has other girls in his contacts as “ pretty girl “ and “ bae “ e.t.c . I’ve known Adam forever now, but I’ve known Joseph for a short period of time. Btw I kinda like both of them so I’m stuck 💀

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