My boyfriend got mad bc i didnt cum

He has fingered me. Gotten me to Orgasm Played with my body. And Has penetrated, pushes hard&fast; Because its what i like. I have squirted but He cant make me cum and he got pissed bc he asked me what ways or tips i had for him. I said I dont know. And he gave me this look. A look of Hate and i wanted to cry but didnt bc ik he is just upset he cant get me to.

So here is my question

How can i Help him get me to cum?

Ps. We are both 20.

Edit: he also has Eaten me out But Nothing.

Edit2: i have Tried Masturbation and Nothing. I have For Years too. Not every day Because i know that would cause bad affects on me if i wanted a family. And i do. Not now but later on before its too late. And im in the same boat. I can get myself to Orgasm for a LONG time. My legs start shaking and i cant take it but i deal because it feels great. I can do everything he does and more but nothing. Im at a loss ladies.

And thank btw for those who give Ideas and Say its okay that its normal for some lady not too. That made me feel better and My Boyfriend so really thank you to Everyone 😊🧡🧡

Edit3: female ejaculation ~ very Tacky like or Sticky, thick, and whitish fluid.

UPDATE: I took some of Your advice and I actually did Cum. It was weird but Was very. And i mean very Pleasing and my sex drive flew way Up then calmed as i was Cumming.. so really thank to those who did Help me and those who gave advice and told me it was normal if i didnt and stuff. To hear i wasnt like Broken or anything really made me happy.