Pumping before nursing.

Tatyana • Aye👌🏾 David Jr born May 2nd 🤱🏾

My baby has been asleep for about 4 hours and I want to pump. I’m trying to build up a small milk bag supply for when I go back to school in August and when baby is with nana and papa. Other than that I’m a stay at home mom and breast feed him all the time. Is it ok to pump before he nurses? Or will my boob be empty of milk? I was told they are constantly making milk and never technically empty but I don’t know if it’s true. It’s hard to pump right after nursing him because baby boy wants to be held and cuddled and loved to sleep ha ha. Or just stay up. So when he sleeps for these longer stretches I try to pump, but I’m scared I won’t have milk left for him if he wakes up.

Sorry lol ftm I plan on going to a lactation consultant this week to make sure the breastfeeding is going well but he has gained 3 lbs since birth and the doctor said he’s doing really well.