UTI? or pregnancy?


I've been trying to convince for 2 months now. My fiance has 3 kids already I have none yet... So my period is 8 days away now from being due. I started spotting yesterday thinking maybe it was my period but it never filled a pad. today I woke up and still nothing. Today shortly after my fiance had left for work(he is going to be gone for 3-5 days) I began feeling extremely hard To stay up, I started feeling like I had to pee (still do), my lower abdomen kinda by my ovaries feels tight and kinda hurts not a whole lot but like little aches here and there, and bloated! I have no pain peeing or anything but I feel the urge to pee every 5 secs almost. everything I've seen has said UTI or pregnancy and I can't take a test until Monday when my fiance gets home. (he wants to be here when I take one) Has this happens to anyone else?