I feel like my heart is actually broken

Been trying to conceive for a year... nothing has ever showed up positive.

I finally went on a high dose of letrozole this round and my progesterone was low, but I guess it was high enough they thought I may have ovulated.

Today I should have started my period.. it didn’t come so I took a test.

I have never seen such a stark white test. My chest actually hurts and my heart feels broken.

I didn’t have a period when I was a teenager. My mom is a little crazy and doesn’t like doctors, so when I was almost 18 and I still didn’t have a period, she wouldn’t take me to an OBGYN. I begged her. I told her something wasn’t wrong. She just said to me “ you better not be pregnant”. Eventually my dad made her take me, and I started my first period with birth control.

No one could figure out what’s going on. I don’t fit for PCOS . They think I may have mild NCCAH, but in general... I’m anovulatory.

I’m essentially sterile.

Now that I’m 25, I knew this was going to happen. I knew when it was time for me to have a child it wouldn’t happen.

My heart literally hurts. I don’t know how to continue on 😭
