Advice please ... 😐

Jennifer • 🌈👶🏻💙Michael Vincent 11.17.18

So I just got my test results from the finger stick testing at my nuchal scan (3 weeks ago) ..they called to tell me that my risk for trisomy 18&13 has changed I started with a 1 in 1363 risk but I’m not a 1 in 896 risk (risk of a 32 year old..I’m 29) they told me it’s still within normal range so they don’t want to do extra testing yet they also said Papp A came back at 5% (growth restriction) I have my 16 week blood work tomorrow they said they will revisit the numbers and let me know but not to stress..they said the nuchal sonogram came back perfect...which is so hard ..anyone experience something like this before? So confused about these numbers and findings when they said the baby measures and looked perfect in the scan..sorry it’s a long post..can’t stop thinking about this...