Announcing past 20 weeks rant

Nicole • momma to an angel & a baby boy 👼🏻💙

A few women saw my comment on a post about how I’m announcing sometime after 20 weeks when we know the gender, and I’ve gotten mixed responses. A few women messaged me & said rather rude thing, so I just kinda want to explain it further.

My last pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage. I was 11+3 weeks along when I found out my baby passed at 8+3 weeks. Honestly, me wanting to wait has nothing to do with the fact that I lost her. I planned on announcing with her at the same time as well, but obviously didn’t get the chance. My last pregnancy wasn’t fun. I felt judged, and cried almost all the time knowing how my family is when it comes to young pregnancy. Therefore, I just want to genuinely enjoy this one because, for some reason I feel so much more happier this time around and don’t want anything interfering with that. I was overwhelmed with anxiety about losing my last baby before even losing her. With this one it’s just so much more positive, so if I think keeping it a secret will make it all the better then I’ll do so. I wanna just focus on my health, the babies health & overall the joy of being pregnant. Although, I am so excited to share the news with everyone, I also love just having it only known by me & my SO. He really likes it as well, so I see no harm in doing so. Sorry this was so long I just felt the need to explain myself, but thankyou for reading. 💕