

I’m 17, almost 18 and I have been struggling with anxiety for a really long time and it really affects my feeling of self worth. I went to the dr and got on 10 mg citrolopram. It isn’t really helping. My anxiety keeps me from doing a lot of these like driving, going places by myself, getting a job, I won’t go through drive throughs, going around people I don’t know well is hard. Everything’s just overwhelming and my mom compares me to other people saying that they have jobs and how I should and she always tells me that when I turn 18 me and my boyfriend won’t be able to make it living together because he’s going to stop “babying me”. I don’t know it just really hurts and no one understands that I can’t help the way I feel about these things. I’m trying to get my mom to make me another dr appointment for it but she always “forgets”. It’s been about 2 months since I started asking her. I just wish things were easier.