Bad reaction to still being a virgin?

I didn’t want it to be a big deal so I lied when we got into his bed. I didn’t want him to see me as too pure or fragile or breakable (something people have literally said to me even without knowing my lack of experience). I’m in my mid/late 20s and he’s about three years younger than me and afterwards I confessed that this was my first time. He kinda got all bothered and in a huff and was like “you should’ve told me, it IS a big deal. And you’re older than me!! what happened to you?” Aka how have I gotten this far without having sex. (I’m a really picky person, and the guys I’ve liked haven’t liked me back or have led me on horribly... so I’ve never even been in a real relationship before... kinda scared to tell him that now.).

I was never waiting until marriage, just for someone I really liked who liked me back. And we’re not exclusive or anything so I really didn’t want to place a lot of weight on it. Idk. I’m horribly embarrassed now and keep cringing about it. Kinda wish I kept up the lie but he could probably see right through it. Idk.

Any shared stories/tips/advice/opinions would be seriously appreciated.